Pain disorder is chronic pain experienced by a patient in one or more areas, and is thought to be caused by psychological stress. The pain is often so severe that it disables the patient from proper functioning. Duration may be as short as a few days or as long as many years. Pain causes discomfort and reduces your quality of life.
There are many underlying causes of body aches. Pain disorders often occurs after an accident with trauma to the body, during an illness that has caused pain, or after withdrawing from use during drug addiction. Early intervention when pain first occurs or begins to become chronic offers the best opportunity for prevention of pain disorder.
Common symptoms of pain disorder are inactivity and passivity, in some cases disability. Increased pain sometimes may cause sleep disturbance and fatigue; disruption of social relationships, depression and anxiety.
Sometimes back pain may be due to a medical issue, which is why it’s important to have the team at Advanced Pain Management take a look, especially if the pain doesn’t resolve on its own. We are here to help you.